
March 1, 2022

Vernal pool and salamander season are here!

Did we mention that we geek out over vernal pools this time of year? Last March, our team obtained a special use permit to explore the pools at Gahanna Woods State Nature Preserve and found this juvenile Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculata) under a log. The beech leaf, about 3 inches long, provides scale. Their colors are particularly vibrant at this stage!
March 1, 2022

MAD Staff Contributes to Ohio Natural History & OPARC Joint Conference

In his role as Board President of the Ohio Biological Survey, Mark played a key role in the planning of this year’s Ohio Natural History Conference – a joint effort with the Ohio Partnership for Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (OHPARC). And his role with OHPARC, Nick also played a key role. Today, he served as a session moderator, and he is also one of the chapter authors for the recent publication of Reptiles of Ohio, which was the inspiration for the conference theme “Herpetology in Ohio.”  It was the best-attended conference to date and was a huge success! Dan also attended the conference and joined Nick, Mark, and OBS Executive Director Dr. Connie Hausman afterward for a group photo. It was a great day with […]
March 1, 2022

Welcome back, Corbin!

We want to give a warm welcome to Corbin Binkley!  Our multi-season and multi-year intern, now a full-time Environmental Technician! Jasper, the office dog, was pleased to have him back in the office after a semester away. Check out our Teams page to learn more about him  Corbin, that is. Not Jasper.  
January 11, 2022

A Christmas Miracle!

We came out of the Christmas Story escape room with all eyes intact AND in near record time! This was the second stop on our holiday outing this afternoon. It was a day well spent away from the “grind,” getting to know one another better and hearing some priceless stories. We hope you have as much fun with your coworkers as we do!
January 11, 2022

Risky Panel Discussion at Ohio State EPN Breakfast

It was a humorous and informative morning at the Environmental Professionals Network meeting today. Director of the Ohio DNR, Mary Mertz, kicked things off with encouraging remarks about the H2Ohio program, and Mark and Brain Tornes had a friendly panel discussion regarding the responsibility of wetland restoration as professional ecologists and engineers. We were happy to see the interest in this topic with over 300 attendants viewing from home and in person. As you can imagine, the answer to the question posed is not one person or one credential, but a team effort of ecological specialists, designers, engineers, technicians, and land managers. Each brings a unique perspective and allows for creativity in project planning and heterogeneity in projects across the landscape. You can view the […]
January 11, 2022

Burntwood-Langenkamp H2Ohio “Treatment Train” Wetland Constructed

Grand Lake St. Mary’s (GLSM) is located in northwest Ohio, in a heavily agricultural watershed that produces a significant portion of our state’s grains and livestock. Runoff from row crop agriculture and concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) has resulted in excessive nutrient loading to the lake, resulting in an increased frequency of harmful algal blooms (HABs). The proliferation of HABs can make the lake unsafe for swimming and adversely affects tourism, and this causes a damaging ripple effect on the local economy. Significant efforts by farmers and local officials have been ongoing since the HABs first appeared, and the lake conditions have been improving as a result of these efforts. Catalyzing these efforts, the State of Ohio has created the H2Ohio grant program to assist […]
January 11, 2022

High School Learning Opportunity at Oak Openings Wetland Restoration Site

In November, our team met with the Aerospace & Natural Science Academy of Toledo, Metro Parks Toledo, and the Ohio DNR at our wetland restoration project in the Oak Openings region to discuss the process of wetland restoration, tour the site, and plant native hydophytes that the students grew themselves! We were pleased to see this site with beautiful wetland pools and the blush of cover crop on the upland buffer. We were also reveling in the ease of planting in sandy soils that are so common in northwest Ohio! It’s always fun to share our profession and projects with curious minds and we hope they’ll remember this experience and return to the site to see how their plants grow.
January 11, 2022

FCBank Celebrates Women in Business – MAD Scientist Associates, LLC

We thank FC Bank for featuring Christine McKinney Dilley, MBA and MAD Scientist Associates, LLC CEO in your Women in Business Series! We appreciate this recognition and the support of FC Bank to help our team grow and allow us to Make A Difference for our clients. See full video here: FCBank Celebrates Women in Business – MAD Scientist Associates, LLC
January 11, 2022

Welcome Julius Duncan, E.I.T., Water Resources Engineer, and Courtney Brownlee, Office Manager!

We want to introduce you to AND give a warm (and overdue) welcome to our new staff members Julius Duncan, Water Resource Engineer, and Courtney Brownlee, Office Manager! We look forward to the great things we can accomplish with these terrific additions to our team. Check out our Team page to read about their journeys to MAD.