wetland design

December 27, 2024

Restoration Credentials Added

We’re proud of the team we have at MAD and are eager to see them grow in their various specialty areas. This year many staff worked towards certification programs and continuing education credits. Two of note are Restoration Ecologist, Dan Hribar, and Restoration Designer, Robert Keast. Dan began working towards becoming a Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner through the Society of Ecological Restoration (CERP-IT). He also completed the Ohio DNR’s Nature-based Shorelines course. Robert continues to level up in stream restoration design series. He is currently a level III. Both certifications will serve us well in creating site appropriate, cost-effective, long-lasting restorative changes for our clients and the natural world.
December 27, 2022

Staff Appreciation & Bragging Rights

Each year, we are amazed and grateful for our amazing staff. Not only do they come to each other’s aid, put the hours in, problem solve, and challenge themselves- they keep each other laughing while doing it. We are truly lucky to have such a great team and we wanted to share some of their accomplishments from the year with you. Julius Duncan, Water Resources Engineer and EIT, joined our team in 2021 and recently earned his Level 2 Stream Restoration certificate. His background in environmental engineering and water resource management suits him well on the restoration team at MAD. He and Robert Keast, Restoration Designer, hit the ground running this year and have been instrumental in tackling our wetland and stream restoration projects across […]
December 27, 2022

Wetland Construction Underway in Geauga County

We have our first in-lieu fee wetland mitigation project under construction in Geauga County! This 30-acre site was previously row-cropped and pastured but is part of a larger (119-acre) property that contains a mosaic of depressional wetlands, ephemeral and perennial streams, and upland forest. Our design for this project will restore/add 8 acres of depressional, forested wetlands, and 18 acres forested buffer. Interesting elements of the design for this site include the repurposing of stones from a demolished barn to create a snake hibernaculum, using deadwood and felled trees for perching and basking habitat, and experimental hummock creation within pools. We have had reports of sandhill cranes (Antigone canadensis), a state threatened species, already utilizing the site presumably as stopover habitat during their fall migration […]