MAD Scientist Associates, LLC

December 27, 2022

Community Engagement & Education

  Working in and for communities has got to be one of the best things we get to do at MAD. We partner with municipalities to offer ecological programming, often focused on wetland, stream, and watershed education. This year, we were able to host, present at, and participate in over 20 programs! We are thrilled that families enjoy learning about the ecosystems we’re so passionate about, and are lucky to have the trust of our local communities to support this type of work. If you’re interested in having our staff work with your organization, please contact Jenny Adkins, our Education Specialist.    
December 27, 2022

I.G.O.R. Events

MAD Scientist organized and “I.G.O.R. Team (aka Incredible Group of Recruits) to offer environmental education to citizen volunteers through workshops and webinars, clean-up and invasive species removal events, and native planting opportunities throughout Central Ohio. In 2022, we added more events to the calendar to increase engagement, totaling six events (two webinars, one litter clean-up events, and three invasive species management and planting events). We’re thankful for all our volunteers and hope to this symbiotic relationship with our local community as we roll into a new year.
December 27, 2022

WET20 EPA Study

This summer MAD had the opportunity to work under contract to the Ohio EPA (with Burgess & Niple) collecting data on wetland habitat and quality throughout the state. Sites included natural and mitigation wetlands. Sites varied from agricultural fields, to fens, to forested vernal pools, and deep emergent marsh. Our task was to collect and summarize watershed level data and complete habitat quality and plant community assessments. The ORAM (Ohio Rapid Assessment Method for wetlands) and OMWAM (Ohio Mitigation Wetland Assessment Method) allow us to determine a wetland category (1-3) based on habitat characteristics. The ORAM was developed and calibrated for natural wetlands and therefore isn’t appropriate for restored or created sites. The OMWAM considers many of the same habitat features, but also includes measures […]
December 27, 2022

Remote Survey Method for Wildlife

Game cameras are a useful tool for monitoring and documenting wildlife communities. MAD has regularly used game cameras to document large mammals and birds at wetland restoration sites in Richland, Mercer, and Lucas Counties. In 2022, MAD expanded our game camera monitoring capabilities with the addition of Adapted Hunt Drift Fence Technique (AHDriFT) camera traps. These special camera traps are a unique method for conducting surveys for small mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. We used AHDriFT camera trap arrays to conduct a six-month survey for the federally-listed massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) in northeastern Ohio. While did not observe any massasaugas, we did document a number of small mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. AHDriFT camera traps have broad applications for targeted rare species surveys, general wildlife community surveys, […]
December 27, 2022

Becoming a Leader in Environmental Education

MAD Scientist Associates has been a longtime member and supporter of the Environmental Education Council of Ohio (EECO), and Jenny Adkins currently sits on their board as Secretary. This year, Jenny and Corbin were chosen to be on a leadership team that spent a week on the California coast learning about teamwork, group leadership, justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion (JEDI) opportunities. At this professional development opportunity, they were able to interact with state EE affiliates from far and wide. MAD supported their attendance at this training, as many of the skills being taught were skills we value and hope to grow within our company. Jenny also represented MAD and EECO at the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) research symposium and annual conference in […]
December 27, 2022

Environmental Professionals Network Collaboration

In June, Jenny Adkins had the opportunity to help organize and speak at an EPN breakfast, alongside Cadine Navarro, Terry Hermsen, and Janice Glowski, about native prairie plants and the connection between the arts, sciences, action, and resiliency. This partnership was formed after a visit the Frank Museum (Otterbein University) to see Cadine’s exhibit titled “It Sounds Like Love,” which features nine native prairie plants and the artistic representation of the vibrational sounds their dormant seeds create. Intriguing stuff, right?! As an educator and botanist, Jenny quickly bonded with the group and has participated in several of the exhibit events. They decided to share this synergy with the community through The Ohio State University’s Environmental Professional’s Network. Here they asked participants to walk through the Alum […]
December 27, 2022

Women-Owned Business & How We Fit In

Christine Dilley has obtained certifications recognizing MAD Scientist Associates as a woman-owned business (WOB). Being a WOB allows MAD to establish new relationships with teaming partners and expand the kinds of clients they can serve. Many government entities and corporations establish a certain percentage of their contract awards for disadvantaged businesses, such as woman, minority, and veteran owned businesses to provide equal opportunities. MAD is among the less than 1% of the current 12.3 million women business owners that are certified. Once certified, they are identified as Women’s Business Enterprises (WBEs). Locally, MAD’s WBE certifications include EDGE (Encouraging Diversity, Growth and Equity program), which enables economically and socially underutilized businesses to grow and to boost the number of competitors across various business genres, City of […]
January 11, 2022

A Christmas Miracle!

We came out of the Christmas Story escape room with all eyes intact AND in near record time! This was the second stop on our holiday outing this afternoon. It was a day well spent away from the “grind,” getting to know one another better and hearing some priceless stories. We hope you have as much fun with your coworkers as we do!
January 11, 2022

Risky Panel Discussion at Ohio State EPN Breakfast

It was a humorous and informative morning at the Environmental Professionals Network meeting today. Director of the Ohio DNR, Mary Mertz, kicked things off with encouraging remarks about the H2Ohio program, and Mark and Brain Tornes had a friendly panel discussion regarding the responsibility of wetland restoration as professional ecologists and engineers. We were happy to see the interest in this topic with over 300 attendants viewing from home and in person. As you can imagine, the answer to the question posed is not one person or one credential, but a team effort of ecological specialists, designers, engineers, technicians, and land managers. Each brings a unique perspective and allows for creativity in project planning and heterogeneity in projects across the landscape. You can view the […]