making a difference

January 28, 2025

Wetlands Building Community

It’s that time of year- cold weather and conferences! We’re always happy to attend the Ohio Parks and Recreation Association (OPRA) conference, as it gives us opportunities to catch up with colleagues and friends from around the state, and learn about the latest in the parks and rec world. This year, we’ll be staffing a vendor table in the exhibitor hall (booth 201) and presenting. Jenny Adkins will lead the education session, Wetlands Building Community, accompanied by Doug Boyer from EDGE and Melissa Hindman from the City of Powell. “Wetlands are among the most diverse habitats in the world. We invite you to celebrate and even add these natural resources in your community and in your programming. Ecological professionals and Parks & Rec staff team up to […]
December 27, 2024

Restoration Credentials Added

We’re proud of the team we have at MAD and are eager to see them grow in their various specialty areas. This year many staff worked towards certification programs and continuing education credits. Two of note are Restoration Ecologist, Dan Hribar, and Restoration Designer, Robert Keast. Dan began working towards becoming a Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner through the Society of Ecological Restoration (CERP-IT). He also completed the Ohio DNR’s Nature-based Shorelines course. Robert continues to level up in stream restoration design series. He is currently a level III. Both certifications will serve us well in creating site appropriate, cost-effective, long-lasting restorative changes for our clients and the natural world.
December 27, 2024

Hellbranch Meadows Controlled Burn

Earlier this month, MAD Scientist Associates had the opportunity to manage a controlled burn for the Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District at the Hellbranch Meadows site in Galloway, Ohio. This area is part of the historic Darby-Plains, which was managed through fire and other human intervention to keep an open prairie-savannah habitat versus forest. This was beneficial for grazing animals and diversity of plant types and communities.  This site took expert level planning to sustain the fire and keep it going in the right direction. Our team, led by Alexys Nolan and Cody Wright, worked the burn for nearly six hours. The footage of the burn at twilight is truly remarkable. We look forward to seeing how this area comes back to life next […]
December 18, 2024

Education Highlights of 2024

At MAD Scientist Associates, educating others on the value of wetlands, biodiversity, and other natural resources, is part of our mission. We consider ourselves lucky to have opportunities and partnerships with local municipalities, parks, and education-centered organizations. We couldn’t do programs like Frog Friday or Wetland Wednesdays without support from communities that value wetlands. Also, as a woman-owned business we want to highlight other women working in our field, and have started hosting Women in Science events. Since 2023, we’ve had over 20 professionals from around the state participate as panelists. Our hope is for students and community members will have exposure to careers in ecology and environmental science, and build a network of women scientists across the state. Whether it’s a tabled vendor space […]
December 18, 2024

Welcome Abby!

We’re excited to welcome Abby Obert to our team! Abby joins our restoration and design-build team, bringing her expertise in CAD and a strong background in construction oversight. Previously, Abby worked at the Franklin County Engineer’s Office, where she managed drainage capital improvement projects and oversaw compliance with the county’s NPDES MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems) permits. To learn more about Abby, visit our TEAMS page!
December 13, 2024

MAD Selected as FACT Founder’s Award Recipient

Partnering with local groups to support the common goal of clean water and preservation of natural resources has always been important to us, at MAD. We are pleased to have many years of service with Friends of Alum Creek and Tributaries (FACT), who lead the charge in maintaining and advocating for Alum Creek, a large tributary to the Scioto River. This year, we were selected as their Founder’s Award recipient. We appreciate the work FACT does and plan on many more years of service together. Thank you for the recognition!
December 13, 2024

Honeysuckle HackFest

The community really came together at Honeysuckle Hackfest! Special thanks to Alexys, Alan, and Ellie for leading the charge on the cut stump treatments that will prevent plants from resprouting next year. Multiple acres of eastern deciduous forest at Deer Haven Park in Delaware will be in much better health soon. The native shrub and tree planting planned for next year will help accelerate this recovery.
January 11, 2022

High School Learning Opportunity at Oak Openings Wetland Restoration Site

In November, our team met with the Aerospace & Natural Science Academy of Toledo, Metro Parks Toledo, and the Ohio DNR at our wetland restoration project in the Oak Openings region to discuss the process of wetland restoration, tour the site, and plant native hydophytes that the students grew themselves! We were pleased to see this site with beautiful wetland pools and the blush of cover crop on the upland buffer. We were also reveling in the ease of planting in sandy soils that are so common in northwest Ohio! It’s always fun to share our profession and projects with curious minds and we hope they’ll remember this experience and return to the site to see how their plants grow.