January 5, 2025
December 27, 2024
We’re proud of the team we have at MAD and are eager to see them grow in their various specialty areas. This year many staff worked towards certification programs and continuing education credits. Two of note are Restoration Ecologist, Dan Hribar, and Restoration Designer, Robert Keast. Dan began working towards becoming a Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner through the Society of Ecological Restoration (CERP-IT). He also completed the Ohio DNR’s Nature-based Shorelines course. Robert continues to level up in stream restoration design series. He is currently a level III. Both certifications will serve us well in creating site appropriate, cost-effective, long-lasting restorative changes for our clients and the natural world.
December 27, 2024
December 27, 2024
Earlier this month, MAD Scientist Associates had the opportunity to manage a controlled burn for the Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District at the Hellbranch Meadows site in Galloway, Ohio. This area is part of the historic Darby-Plains, which was managed through fire and other human intervention to keep an open prairie-savannah habitat versus forest. This was beneficial for grazing animals and diversity of plant types and communities. This site took expert level planning to sustain the fire and keep it going in the right direction. Our team, led by Alexys Nolan and Cody Wright, worked the burn for nearly six hours. The footage of the burn at twilight is truly remarkable. We look forward to seeing how this area comes back to life next […]
January 16, 2024
By: Jenny Adkins January 16, 2024 Something we love about our career is that, in the field of ecology (and all sciences for that matter), there’s always something to learn. When you think of discovery, it may conjure grandiose scenes of trekking deep into new environments, suffering through grueling weather, being bombarded by unfamiliar insects, etc., but we’re willing to bet that there are many things you can discover right outside your door…without the travel bill. Just the practice of looking upon the world with fresh eyes can be life-changing. Once you start looking, you’ll almost always see something new each time you peruse a new flower in bloom, the soil under a rock, the trunk of a tree, etc. The weather, season, time of […]
January 7, 2022
Some of our favorite work to do at MAD are ecological surveys. They often involve all staff members, who each specialize in collecting a certain type of data: aquatic biota, terrestrial insects, herptiles, wetland delineation, stream characterization, plant inventory, bird identification, cover mapping, etc. Basically, we get to be happy ecologists in the field, making lists, taking photographs, and mapping habitats. More than that though, we get to use this information to help clients determine what they have and what they can do with their properties. Oftentimes clients need this information for a baseline survey if the property is being put under easement or covenant. Other times, land managers wan to know where opportunities lie for restoration or where to avoid disturbance if rare species […]