Ecological Restoration
let’s make the most of your site!
At MAD Scientist Associates, we take great pride in our restoration projects, whether they’re a small schoolyard habitat or several hundred acres in size. We offer comprehensive restoration services including: desktop resource review, site assessment, jurisdictional waters and isolated wetland surveys and associated permitting, wildlife presence-absence and suitable habitat surveys, agency coordination, design, engineering, bid set development, contractor and construction oversight, planting plans and implementation, and site monitoring and maintenance. We also encourage clients to involve the community in their projects, which seems to foster a sense of stewardship. MAD can organize public meetings to introduce project concepts, coordinate volunteer events for site planting or maintenance, and run educational programming once the site is complete. We hope you’ll find inspiration while perusing our project examples below.
Restoration Possibilities
- Wetland Restoration & Expansion
- Wetland Creation
- Rain Garden & Bioswale Creation
- Stream Restoration
- Riparian Buffer Rehabilitation
- Stormwater Basin Habitat Improvement
- Prairie Establishment
- Reforestation
- Nature Play Design & Planting

Commitment to Excellence
“We hold the belief that any project can be done better (e.g., with less damage/greater improvement to the environment), regardless of the project type or client industry sector. Efforts to educate others on environmental issues, particularly those related to wetlands, water quality, and biodiversity, are one of the key means by which we honor this commitment.”