
September 3, 2020

September Photo of the Month

A late-season breeder, the American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) waits for the thistledown to be ready so it can provide a soft nest-lining for its young. This brood was spotted in a Black Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) shrub at a mitigation wetland in Gallant Woods Park, Delaware County, Ohio.
March 6, 2020

2019 Small Business of the Year!

December 18, 2019 We are very excited to be recognized as the 2019 Small Business of the Year by Westerville Area Chamber of Commerce. Also, we are thankful for a great staff and for our valued clients and partners. On January 27, 2020, MAD was presented by the Chamber with the award and were additionally surprised with recognitions by Rep. Joyce Beatty, Senator Sherrod Brown, Rep. Troy Balderson, and Rep. Mary Lightbody. It is our pleasure to serve the Westerville community. It is a great base of operations for our small, but growing,  
March 6, 2020

Welcoming Lindsay Hanna, Project Scientist

December 18, 2019 In September, we happily added Lindsay Hanna to our team of ecological professionals. She joins us as a Project Scientist and will specialize in managing ecological surveys, overseeing wetland delineations, and NEPA biological and environmental assessments. She has studied in both Ohio and Michigan, and comes to us with six years of experience in ecological consulting.
March 6, 2020

Aquatic Ecologist, Jenna Odegard Certified to Perform Mussel Surveys and Earns Macroinvertebrate QDC Level 3!

December 18, 2019 In May, Jenna Odegard, Aquatic Ecologist, became state certified to perform freshwater mussel surveys in Group 1 and 3 streams. Freshwater mussels are among the most endangered organisms in North America due to their sensitivity to aquatic pollution, especially sedimentation of river systems. Because of their cryptic lifestyle (both camouflaged and benthic), their diversity and distribution in Ohio waterways is poorly defined. If projects include proposed alterations/impacts to streams, a mussel reconnaissance survey should be performed to determine their presence or probable absence from the stream. If necessary, Jenna can relocate mussels as a means to preserve local populations.  This fall, Jenna led her first full mussel survey and relocation (accompanied by Restoration Specialist, Jim Palus and intern, Kate Gorman) in Lake […]
March 6, 2020

Staffers Welcome New Family Additions

December 18, 2019 In August, Jenny Adkins welcomed her second child, Asa James Adkins. Not long after in late September, Jackie Kopechek welcomed her first child, Lewis Michael Kopechek. Both families are doing well. Asa and Lewis have already made appearances at the MAD office, and Asa attended his first Ohio Wetlands Association meeting (resulting in his first wetland excursion)!
March 6, 2020

Breaking Ground on 20+ Acre Mitigation Site

December 18, 2019 This year our largest mitigation site to date began construction in Richland County, Ohio. This site includes over 11 acres of emergent and forested wetlands and over 16 acres of upland buffer. Final grading was completed in August, with planting scheduled for the spring of 2020. This winter, MAD developed (with the assistance of Northpoint Engineering) a formal bid set for planting activities. MAD will oversee the planting of tens of thousands of rooted wetland plugs, bareroot,  and container trees. Our client generously agreed to fund the salvage of native hydric soils, plant material, and wildlife from the proposed wetland impact areas. Salvage efforts may include volunteer opportunities for local K-12 school groups to participate in plant identification, transplanting, and experience with […]
March 6, 2020

Wetland Success Stories

December 18, 2019 This year we had the satisfaction of seeing the fruits of our labor for several wetland sites across the state. Below are before and after photos of two wetland creation sites we worked on in Lucas County and Hamilton County. Click the images to see site progress. The photos above show an emergent marsh created in a historic burrow pit in Lucas County, Ohio. We completed a series of these burrow pit “retrofits” throughout the County in 2018. Wetland areas were excavated and planted with herbaceous plugs by volunteers. While it’s common to introduce a native seed mix, these sites relied on their seed bank for natural regeneration, and they appear to be doing great! This client, in Hamilton County, has waited […]
March 6, 2020

Reforestation Efforts in Pickaway County

December 18, 2019 It’s been a remarkably busy field season this year, which (much to our enjoyment) didn’t slow as fall and winter approached. This fall (in just over a week), we installed over 1,000 container trees (20+ acres) in Pickaway County on behalf of Appalachia Ohio Alliance. Plantings will help reforest fields previously row-cropped, connect fragmented forests, aid in reducing floodwaters and sediment erosion in the Scioto River floodplain, and hopefully shade-out established Reed Canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) within the project area. Click the images to see additional photos.
March 6, 2020

Dublin Brandon Park Pond Fish Rescue

December 18, 2019 This October, we worked with nearly 50 community volunteers in Dublin to capture and relocate aquatic life (hundreds of tadpoles and ~500 fish!) from an old silted-in farm pond that will be temporarily drained to allow for sediment removal and reshaping to enhance its ecological and recreational value. Of course, we worked some expanded wetland areas into the design. We’re looking forward to the completion of this project and seeing the Pond restocked with fish! To learn more about this project, check out the article published by the City of Dublin here.