Threatened & Endangered Species
Threatened or endangered species. They can make or break your project. Our team of qualified professionals can help by answering your general questions, managing agency coordination, permitting, completing biological surveys, and management planning.
Services Include
- Agency correspondence & literature review
- Habitat evaluations
- Rare plant surveys
- Ohio EPA approved Level 3 Qualified Data Collectors (QDCs) for invertebrate, fish and habitat assessment (QHEI) studies
- Freshwater Mussel Surveys in Group 1 and 3 Streams (Qualitative, Quantitative, and Translocation)
- Bat Surveys (critical habitat evaluation and presence-absence surveys)
- Reptile & Amphibian: Eastern Massasauga, Copperbelly Water Snake, Smooth Green Snake, Blanding’s Turtle, Spotted Turtle, and Eastern Hellbender