Prairie Management- A First for MAD
January 6, 2022Earth Day Activities- 2021
January 6, 2022Frog Friday attendants gathering for introduction.
Searching for bullfrogs after dark.
Children searching cupplant leaves for gray treefrogs.
Gray treefrog (Hyla versicolor) spotted on a cupplant leaf.
April marks the first of six Frog Friday events we host at the City of Westerville’s Highlands Park Wetland. This program was born from our enthusiasm for the growing amphibian population at the wetland- which was restored in 2012-2013. If any of you are familiar with amphibian breeding season in Ohio, things start heating up so-to-speak in spring once things have thawed and warm evening rains become more frequent. Activity really picks up after dusk, when frogs and toads can call from their perches and along the wetland edge under the safety of darkness. You’ve no doubt heard a chorus of treefrogs or the trill of toads if you live near a water source and leave a window cracked at night. Even in urban settings, it’s amazing how much life is drawn to these ecosystems.
While these events have become quite popular, we’ve had to limit registration to approximately 50 people given covid precautions. It’s been nice to have a smaller crowd, but we loved seeing how excited the community got, and we look forward to being able to get everyone back out in the wetland again soon! We do offer live-stream viewing on Facebook.