Volunteers are AWESOME! 🤩
We – MAD Scientist Associates, Bridgeway Academy , ROAR’s Nature-based Solutions Group, and Green Columbus – had 50+ terrific, hardworking volunteers plant hundreds of native trees and shrubs at the Bridgeway Academy campus in Columbus today.
This building was formerly occupied by a business and thus checked all the boxes for a corporate/sterile setting. We were approached by Bridgeway to help them make use of native plants to create necessary screens, provide habitat for wildlife observation, and celebrate native options in an edible garden. We were happy to assist and selected species that would provide fast cover, produce berries or nuts, serve as host plants for insects, and provide shelter for birds.
We hope the rain made it all the way to the east side of Columbus today. Those babies could use a drink!
We’re grateful for our new connections at Bridgeway Academy, our dedicated volunteers, and Green Columbus for supplying all plants and tools.